Friedländer, Max J. Werk über die Renaissance-Austellungen. Berlin: 1899, 10.
Catalogue des Tableaux Anciens...Provenant de la Collection Cernuschi...Galerie Georges Petit. Paris: 1900, 73, no. 143, ill.
Reinach, Solomon. Répertoire de Peintures Du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance (1280-1580) 2. Paris: 1907, 144, no. 2.
Ring, Grete. Beitraege zur Geschichte niederlandischer Bildnismalerei im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. Leipzig: 1913, 171.
Friedländer, Max J. Die Altniederländische Malerei 2, Rogier van der Weyden und der Meister von Flémalle. Berlin: 1924, 109, no. 57 and Leiden: 1937, 144, no. 2.
Mayer, August. "Roger van der Weyden and the Master of Flemalle," Burlington Magazine 48, no. 274 (January 1926), 40, ill.
Reinach, Solomon. Burlington Magazine (February 1926), 112.
Beaux-Arts: Chronique des Arts et de la Curiosité 8, no. 9 (September 1930), cover and 2, fig. 3.
Hulin de Loo, Georges. Trésor de l'Art Flamand du Moyen Age au XVIIIe siècle (Mémorial de l'exposition d'art flamand ancien à Anvers 1930) 1. Brussels: 1932, 32ff.
Beaux-Arts: Chronique des Arts et de la Curiosité 76, no. 324 (March 17, 1939), 3.
de Tolnay, Charles. Le Maitre de Flémalle et les frères van Eyck. Brussels: 1939, 60, no. 12.
Schoolman, Regina, and Charles E. Slatkin. The Enjoyment of Art in America. New York: Lippincott, 1942), pl. 346.
Panofsky, Erwin. Early Netherlandish Painting, its Origins and Character. Cambridge: 1953 and New York: 1971, 175, 334 n. 3.
Collobi Ragghianti, Licia. In del'Arte 10. (1955), 38.
Frinta, Mojmir S. The Genius of Robert Campin. Paris: La Haye, 1966), 119.
Troescher, Georg. Burgundische Malerei, Maler und Malwerke um 1400 in Burgund, dem Berry mit der Auvergne und in Savoyen mit ihren Quellen und Ausstrablungen 1. Berlin: 1966, 348, 418 n. 51.
Friedländer, Max J. Early Netherlandisch Painting 2, Rogier van der Weyden and the Master of Flémalle, with notes and commentary by Nicole Veronee-Verhaegen. Bruxelles: Leyde, 1967), 72, n. 63, pl. 84.
Troescher, Georg. "Die Pilgerfahrt des Robert Campin." Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen 9 (1967), 107.
Sterling, Charles. "Etudes Savoyardes 1: Au temps du Duc Amédée." L'Oeil 178 (October 1969), 2-13, fig. 16.
Davies, Martin. Rogier van der Weyden, An Essay with a critical Catalogue of Paintings assigned to him and to Robert Campin. London: Phaidon, 1972,261.
Campbell, Lorne. Portrait Painting in the Netherlands: Campin and His Circle. Ph.D. dissertation, University of London, 1973, 230-239.
Gougain, Michel. Les Primitifs de Savoie. Musées de Chambéry: 1987, 11, ill.
Châtelet, Albert. Robert Campin Le Maître de Flémalle, La fascination du quotidien. Anvers: 1996, 320, ill. D6.
Campbell, Lorne. "Campin's Portraits." In Foister, Susan, and Susie Nash, eds. Robert Campin New Directions in Scholarship. Brepols Publishers, 1996, 129-130, figs. 12-13 [attributed to Jacques Daret].
Borchert, Till-Holger. The Age of Van Eyck, The Mediterranean World and Early Netherlandish Painting, 1430-1530. Ghent/Amsterdam: Ludion, 2002), 41, 232, fig. 47.
Bühl, Gudrun, editor. Dumbarton Oaks, The Collections. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection (distributed by Harvard University Press), 2008, 306f, ill.
Bellavitis, Maddalena. Telle depente forestiere. Quadri nordici nel Veneto: le fonti e la tecnica. Padua: Cleup, 2010), 320-323, 326-327, pl. 27.
Exhibition History
"Exposition internationale coloniale, maritime et d'art flamand-Exposition d'art flamand ancien," Antwerp, 6-9/1930, cat. vol. 1, no. 138.
"Paintings and Sculpture Owned in Washington," The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC, 4/15-30/1937, cat. no. 19 (ill.).
"Exhibition of Belgian Art," Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 6/17-23/1937, cat. p. 5, no. 7.
"The Worcester-Philadelphia Exhibition of Flemish Painting," Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, MA, 2/23-3/12/1939, and Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA, 3/25-4/26/1939, cat. p. 19, no. 3, fig. 3.
"Masterpieces of Art," New York World's Fair, 1939, 5/27-10/31/1939 (check list for gallery IV, no. 7).
"Art of the Northern Renaissance," Busch-Reisinger Museum of Germanic Culture, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 2/13-4/1/1967.
"Jan van Eyck, de Vlaamse Primitiven het Zuiden, 1430-1530/Jan van Eyck, Early Netherlandsich Painting and the European South, 1430-1530," Groeningemuseum, Brugge/Bruges, 3/15-6/30/2002, no. 16.
National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, 12/9/2005-8/13/2007.
Acquisition History
Pozzi Collection, Cremona, first traceable in 1858.
Mors Collection.
René Boylesue Collection, Paris.
Collection of Henri Cernuschi (1821-1896), Paris;
Sold at his postumous auction by Galerie Georges Petit, no. 143, on May 25, 1900;
Purchased from the dealer Wildenstein, Paris, by Robert Woods Bliss, July 10, 1923;[1]
Collection of Mildred Barnes and Robert Woods Bliss, Washington, DC, July 10, 1923 - November 29, 1940;
Gifted to Harvard University, November 29, 1940;
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, House Collection, Washington, DC.
[1] Bill of sale in object file