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A Judgment Scene

Early Byzantine
4th century
16 cm (6 5/16 in.)

Not on view


Additional Images
Additional Image Detail, upper left
Detail, upper left
Additional Image Obverse
Additional Image Detail
Additional Image Detail
Additional Image Reverse
Additional Image Detail, central figure
Detail, central figure
Additional Image Detail, Christian symbols
Detail, Christian symbols

The plaque is stamped on the front with a scene possibly representing the Last Judgment. A male figure is enthroned in the upper center, flanked by six seated figures, three on either side. Below, a group of people much smaller in scale stand looking toward the seated figures, some of them gesticulating in their direction. At the top there is a fragmentary inscription which may be read as "Victoria."

R. Garrucci, Storia della Arte Cristiana nei Primi Otto Secoli della Chiesa, (Prato, 1880) vol. 6: Sculture non cimiteriali, p 100, no. 6, p. 465.

F. X. Kraus and J. A. Martigny, Real-Encyklopädie der christlichen Alterthümer: unter Mitwirkung mehrerer Fachgenossen (Freiburg im Breisgau and St. Louis, Mo., 1882), 986, note 2.

A. Springer, "Das jüngste Gericht," Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft 7 (1884): 375-404, esp. 381-82.

F. X. Kraus and F. Baer, Die Wandgemälde in der S.Georgskirche zu Oberzell auf der Reichenau (Freiburg im Breisgau, 1884), 18.

F. X. Kraus, "Die altchristliche Terracotta der Barberischen Bibliothek," Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte 6 (1892): 1-8.

C. M. Kaufmann, Handbuch der christlichen Archäologie, Wissenschaftliche Handbibliothek. 3. Reihe. Lehrbücher verschiedener Wissenschaften, 2nd ed. (Paderborn., 1913), 398, note 2.

The Dumbarton Oaks Collection, Harvard University (Washington, D.C., 1955), 131, no. 263.

M. C. Ross, Catalogue of the Byzantine and Early Mediaeval Antiquities in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection, vol. 1, Metalwork, Ceramics, Glass, Glyptics, Painting (Washington, D.C., 1962), 75-76, no. 91, pl. 50A.

Handbook of the Byzantine Collection (Washington, D.C., 1967), 88, no. 303.

P. Testini, "L'iconographia degli apostoli Pietro e Paolo nelle cosidette 'arti minori'," in Saecularia Petri et Pauli, Studi di Antichità Cristiana 28, ed. A. Ghetti and M. Bruno (Città del Vaticano, 1969), 241-323, esp. 247f., no. 104, fig. 3.

P. R. L. Brown, The World of Late Antiquity, AD 150-750 (New York, 1971, reprinted 2014), fig. between p. 54-55.

M. B. Comstock, C. C. Vermeule, and S. K. Morgan, Romans and Barbarians, exhibition catalogue, Museum of Fine Arts Boston, (Boston, 1976), 125, no. 143.

G. Hellemo, Adventus Domini: Eschatological Thought in 4th-century Apses and Catecheses, Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 5 (Leiden, New York, 1989), 49-50, pl. 19.

K. Veelenturf, Dia brátha: Eschatological Theophanies and Irish High Crosses, Amsterdamse historische reeks. Kleine serie 33 (Amsterdam, 1997), 78.

S. Sande, "A Terracotta Plaque in the Dumbarton Oaks Collection," Acta ad Archaeologiam et Artium Historiam Pertinentia 15 (2001): 269-82.

L. Cuppo Csaki, "Tibi dabo claves regni caelorum: Le chiavi del Regno nel mosaico dell catacomba di S. Domitilla a Roma," in La mosaïque gréco-romaine IX 2, ed. H. Morlier (Rome, 2005), 923-31, esp. 926-27, fig. 3.

J.-M. Spieser, "Le Christ est-il représenté en Juge dans l'art paléochrétien?," in Der Koran und sein religiöses und kulturelles Umfeld, Schriften des Historischen Kollegs. Kolloquien 72, ed. T. Nagel and E. Müller-Luckner (München, 2010), 75-96.

Exhibition History
Boston, MA, Museum of Fine Arts, "Romans and Barbarians," December 16, 1976 - February 27, 1977.

Acquisition History
Biblioteca Barberini, Rome by 1880;[1]

Purchased from E. Sestieri by the dealer Joseph Brummer, June 28, 1946;[2]

Purchased from the dealer Joseph Brummer by Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, DC, July 3, 1946;

Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Byzantine Collection, Washington, DC

[1] R. Garrucci, Storia della Arte Cristiana nei Primi Otto Secoli della Chiesa, (Prato, 1880) vol. 6: Sculture non cimiteriali, p 100, no. 6.
[2] Brummer Gallery Record, Object inventory card number P16105:

Object Last Modified: 11/16/2023